Meet Gabi Markham, a talented artist, who from the age of three, has performed in many shows in and around Brighton theatres.
She has gotten parts, including Bugsy Malone and Les Miserables and played Pepper in Annie, as well as both Maria and Anita in West Side Story. So it’s only natural that Gabi is about to study at the PPA (Performance Preparation Academy).
But we are not just dealing with a regular performing arts student here, Gabi has been working diligently towards building up a talented ensemble, to create her very first production called, ‘This Is The Moment. The proceeds of the show will go towards funding her education, clever girl!
So what will this production involve? I hear you say.
Well it’s an irresistible medley involving, song, dance, some humour and music. It’ll all take place in Ralli Hall, Hove on Sunday 19th August 2012. and you can buy tickets from her website for only £10.00 or £8.00 for concessions.

Other accolades include her recent feature in a new BBC series, written and directed by Stephen Poliakoff, ‘Dancing on the Edge’ staring Caroline Quentin. Let’s wish Gabi a fruitful future of performance!